Kamis, 03 Oktober 2013


UNIT 12: MAPPING Strategy
What is Mapping?
Another method is to make what we call a map of the information. Maps method of condensing text to make it easier to remember is to make what call a map of the information. Maps let you "see" the main ideas of the information in the text. They also help you organize the information by showing details related to main ideas. In addition, making a map helps you remember what you have read because you must paraphrase, or write in your own words, the material that you have read. When you can clearly paraphrase the writer's words, you are much more likely to remember the information.

Exercise 1
Ø For each of the following selections, make a map that shows the topic or the controlling idea, main ideas, and details
Selection 1:
Heartening Health News
     Here's a welcome reprieve from ominous health reports: Two new studies suggest a couple of painless ways to ward off heart disease.
     In one, researchers from the British Heart Foundation claim that taking a walk before eating high-fat meals may speed your body's ability to rid itself of triglycerides, which are the fats that can cause heart disease.
     They studied a group of male and female volunteers in their twenties for a four-day period. Some days, the group took a brisk two-hour walk before sitting down to a breakfast consisting of fatty cereals, chocolate, buns and cream. Other days, the group simply rested before the hearty repast.
     The concentration of triglycerides was lower on the walking days than it was on the rest days. The researchers were so enthused by the results, they're already working on their next experiment: determining the effect of post-meal walking on triglyceride levels.
     Another study, by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, also offers some clear-cut advice: cheer up. The CDC researchers found that mildly to moderately depressed people are more prone to heart disease.
     Over a period of 12 years, researchers followed 2,832 adult volunteers, 11 percent of whom claimed to be down in the dumps. At the end of the study, those who had complained of depression were more likely to have become ill or died from heart disease than those who hadn't complained at all.
     The moral of the story? Keep your spirits up and take walks for a healthy heart.
                                                                                                                                                       -C. J. Vimont

Selection 2:
Alternative Medicine
    Long a Staple in Many cultures, alternative medicine is the choice of a growing number of American health care consumers. One out of three American adult., has tried some type of "unconventional" Medical treatment, the New Eng- land Journal of Medicine reported earlier this year. And the number of visits to providers of unconventional therapy was May no be greater than the number of visits to all primary care physicians nationwide
     What's behind this growing revolution in health care? A number of factors, including skyrocketing COOLS for conventional treatment, a desire for a more holistic approach to treatment, and a need to find long-range solutions to many chronic conditions, such as back pain sinusitis and headache.
     While there's no single recognized System of classification for alternative medicine the majority of therapies call be divided into) four general categories,
     Treatment with physical forces and devices Practitioners include chiropractors body works practitioners, and acupuncturist
     Spiritual and psychological therapies Practitioners include those who us(-, mental imagery techniques and hypnosis as well as psychics mystics, and others NO") engage in paranormal health remedies
     Nutritional therapies Treatments include herbal, vitamin and mineral dietary supplements, and specific regimens, such as <t macrobiotic diet.
     Drug and biologic treatment. Practitioners, including homeopathic physicians, prescribe treatments including drugs, chemicals, and serums.
     Most experts from both traditional and alternative medicine agree that nontraditional treatment should be viewed as a complement to conventional medical treatment, rather than a replacement for it. This is particularly true in emergency situations, such as those involving broken bones, chest pains, 14gh fevers, or excessive bleeding.
     Today, alternative medical therapy is used primarily by people With chronic health problems that don't respond to conventional medical treatment and by those Min use it as a method of preventive health care.
                                                                                                         —NEA Today

Selection 3:
Mayan Culture
In the isthmus of Central America, the Mayans built a brilliant civilization a thousand years before Columbus. Giant temples for their gods and pyramids for the dead suggest the important of religious beliefs. Furthermore, the Mayan notion of an afterlife, of spirits that existed beyond the realm of sight and sound and touch, was a powerful idea that took the thoughts of men and women away from the day-to-day gat hering of food. The building of temples required an army of workers. Cities sprang up around these construction projects, and people were fed by food growers in the hinterland. Specialization of work encouraged trade, and prosperity fostered art and science. A thousand years before the Spaniards carne, the Mayans had a civilization equal to any in the world. Among its achievements were the development of paper, the invention of the numerical concept of zero, and the use of a solar calendar.
                                                                                               -Norman K. Risjord

Selection 4:
For our early ancestors, depression was a beneficial sta when they had to hut up with a period of harsh conditions their environment When things got rough, they really had withdraw to retrench Our early ancestors who got depress and just sat around during very frustrating times were mo likely to) conserve their resources and energy. In doing s they increased their chances for survival until better time came along. We probably see an indication of this primitive emotional residue in ourselves on a cold, overcast, winter Saturday when, for no reason we can put our finger on, , find it difficult to do anything besides snacking, napping, a moping around the house. The common depression you and I often experience may last from several hours to several days. We feel miserable, but with time and some posit experience our depression lifts.
In the relatively affluent society we live in today, depression and withdrawal have no apparent survival benefits. Most Of us, Conditions are not SO physically harsh < demanding as they were for our early ancestors. So this ecological "hibernation" mechanism Of depression, evolved by our ancestor successfully waiting our harsh periods in the environment, does nothing for us. Our frustrations today do not come from the environment but from the action of other people. Patients that therapists sec today because they have a long-term depression have a history of being frequently frustrated.    
                                                                                                  -Manuel i. Smith

Selection 5
     The profit principle is another basic characteristic of the capitalist system. A capitalist economy provides more opportunity for profit than any other economy because it guarantees three freedoms that are not commonly found in other systems-freedom of trade and occupation, freedom of property and freedom of contract.
     When the capitalist system is described as a profit system, it is frequently forgotten that the other side of the transaction is equally important-capitalism is also a loss system.
     Although it is true that never have so Many Made so much profit as under capitalism, it is equally true that in no other system have so many lost so) much. In American Economic development, bankruptcies and failures were very common in the early stages of the mining, railroading, and automotive industries in the computer industry the Radio Corporation of America, a giant company, tried in vain to get a permanent place in the business. After making computers for two decades, RCA finally decided to close down computer production. In a typical year about four out of ten corporations report net losses Of ten business firms started in an average year five close down within two years and eight within ten years-lack of success being the main reason.
                                                                                          -William Ebenstein and Edwin Fogelman

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